Due to Hurricane Ida damage to St. Augustine Church, our Sunday Mass is currently being celebrated in the parish hall at 10:00 a.m. On Wednesdays we pray the Rosary at 4:30 p.m., Mass follows at 5:00 p.m. The entrance to the parish hall may be found through the gate on Governor Nicholls St. or through the parking lot on Treme St.
Sunday Mass is also live-streamed at facebook.com/saintaugchurch. Everyone is welcome to join us in person or via Facebook. For more information call the office Tuesday-Friday 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. (504)525-5934.
For nearly 200 years, Saint Augustine Catholic Church has welcomed
people from every walk of life, creed, and color to worship side by side.
Perhaps that is why Saint Augustine has not only served as the heart
of the Tremé community but has also played an integral role in
shaping the culture of the city of New Orleans.
Dear St. Augustine Members and Friends:
When we think of the Holy Family, we usually limit ourselves to Jesus, Mary and Joseph. The normal Hebrew family was more extensive than that. From John's gospel we learn that Mary has a sister. From the genealogy we learn the name of Joseph's father, Jesus' grandfather. Of course, we remember that Elizabeth, Zachariah and John were relatives of Jesus. Then we have to contend with the phrase "the brothers and sisters of the Lord'. Like you and me, family is more than those who live under the same roof.
Christmas is a time when we reach out to our wider family through visits, cards, phone calls, etc. The feast of the Holy Family reminds us that we are part of something bigger than ourselves. It also reminds us that family goes beyond blood relations to friends and colleagues. As we celebrate the feast of the Holy Family at a definite family time of the year may we appreciate all the blessings that our families are to us.
© Father William “Bill” Mason, OMI, 2024
PASTOR'S CORNER—December 22, 2024
Initial results of Devotion at the tomb of the unknown slave: We prayed for over 344 deceased individuals and families; we prayed for healing for 203 individuals and groups. Donations netted over $5000.
As part of our revitalization process we will be hosting the following events in January:
Sunday Jan. 12, our finance council will give an annual report of the parish finances at the end of the 10 AM Mass.
Saturday, Jan. 18th, from 9-11 AM we will host a mini retreat of prayer, contemplation, song and exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.
Sunday, Jan. 19th at the end of the 10 AM Mass we will host another follow up meeting of our revitalization process. We will share the results of our previous meeting and invite recommendations.
Monday, Jan. 20th, we will host a clean up in the church. We will do what we can to prepare for the major refurbishing of our church. Please bring your own tool (brooms, rags, cleaning liquid, etc.).
© Father William “Bill” Mason, OMI, 2024